Eine Lösung ist primär nicht die Kombination von Hardware und Software. Auch die Hinzugabe von Beratung und Service machen das Paket noch nicht zu einer Lösung. Eine Lösung ist eine Lösung, wenn sie aus Sicht des Kunden eines seiner unternehmerischen Probleme, eine seiner unternehmerischen Aufgaben löst. Eine Aufgabenstellung, die im betriebswirtschaftlichen Spannungsfeld von Qualität, Kosten und Zeit beheimatet ist.
This is an example text, simply click to edit or delete it. Delete example content by clicking on it and using the trash icon on the left. The plus icon lists all of the elements you can use to add content to your website
This is an example text, simply click to edit or delete it. Delete example content by clicking on it and using the trash icon on the left. The plus icon lists all of the elements you can use to add content to your website
This is an example text, simply click to edit or delete it. Delete example content by clicking on it and using the trash icon on the left. The plus icon lists all of the elements you can use to add content to your website
This is an example text, simply click to edit or delete it. Delete example content by clicking on it and using the trash icon on the left. The plus icon lists all of the elements you can use to add content to your website
This is an example text, simply click to edit or delete it. Delete example content by clicking on it and using the trash icon on the left. The plus icon lists all of the elements you can use to add content to your website
This is an example text, simply click to edit or delete it. Delete example content by clicking on it and using the trash icon on the left. The plus icon lists all of the elements you can use to add content to your website
This is an example text, simply click to edit or delete it. Delete example content by clicking on it and using the trash icon on the left. The plus icon lists all of the elements you can use to add content to your website